Qubo Track




March 2021 -
June 2021


App Design


Nitin Dua
Anup Cheruvathoor
Akash Mittal

Venky Hariharan
Isra Safawi
Jenya Singh
Vinay Arora

My Role

Project Lead
UX Design



Map of Gurgaon

Getting on Track

Qubo creates IoT devices powered by advanced artificial intelligence in order to make lives better. Having worked with the team previously to create an app for their smart home products, this time we were tasked with designing an app for their new vehicle tracking device.

Launching in 2022!

App dashboard walkthrough




Creating an app in the domain of safety involves a lot of considerations. Based on the Product Requirements Document we received from the client, we outlined the key tasks we had to accomplish for the MVP.
How might we build trust through our app offerings, tone of voice and visual style?
How might we allow users to track multiple vehicles through a single dashboard?
How might we communicate actionable analytics and insights for users?

With just 1% of the world's vehicles, India accounts for 11% of the global death in road accidents - the highest in the world. (World Bank)


In the initial phase of the engagement, my team and I spent time studying apps in competing spaces. We looked at direct competitors and also did analogous studies. By learning about the features these apps provide, noticing the patterns and evaluating how they differentiate themselves, we were able to gather a lot of insights.

We also spent a great deal of time reading reviews of the apps on the Play Store and App Store. This helped us get insights on what users are saying about the apps directly; understanding the reasons they either liked or disliked an app.

2x2 competitor analysis matrix




Effective Colour Palette
The use of orange as an accent color provides a feeling of courage, confidence, friendliness, and energy; reflecting the purpose of a workout app successfully.


Smart Statistics
The app promotes personal progress with bold statements. They provide the user with all their achievements over a specific time period. This helps motivate the user and visualise their journey.


Community Building
Strava’s community encourages users to perform various outdoor activities and suggested routes/workouts helps user interest up in the game.



Designing for Scale
Uber's presence is in over 10,000 cities all over the world. In order to keep the brand language consistent across all their LOBs and communication, they have built a very sophisticated design system that is simple, clear, and effective.


Focus on Safety
A focus on the privacy of the user and driver safety at every stage. The in-app emergency button can be used to call and get help if required. The app displays the location and trip details, so the user can quickly share them with authorities.


Share Trips
Users can set up Trusted Contacts and create reminders to share their trip status with friends and family in real time.



Information is Crisp and to the Point
Since all relevant data is shown where needed, the screen looks clean and decreases any clutter that might distract a user. Not only does it make the information present coherent, it allows a user to check only what they need while overlooking other thing.


Subscriptions are not Pushed
The app experience counts on luring the user towards a subscription plan rather than forcing them to pay for premium features. This small detail gives the semblance of an uncluttered and uncrowded experience.


Dedicated Safety Tab
Since the application is a family tracking app, having a separate tab for all safety features adds to the experience of the app and promotes the feeling of safety.



App that Stands Out
Through a fresh approach on the UI design, Matchpoint has managed to create a unique and memorable app. They have challenged the status quo with catchy copy, unique colours and fonts, resulting in a higher brand recall value.


Focus on Sharing
Information throughout the app is easy to share with people and across devices. Users can share the status of their vehicle rides, the summary reports, complete (or view only) access to the app.


Comprehensive Vehicle Profile
Matchpoint allows the user to input a lot of details about the vehicles they own. An interesting differentiator is the ability to upload documents. This means you can access your license, insurance papers and get reminders when it’s time to do a PUC.



Option to Email Value Reports
The app allows the user to schedule and email themselves and others’ reports of the statistics of the vehicle on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to keep a track of the values.


Distinguished Categories of Tracking
The app allows the users to select between different types of tracking modes, i.e. track all relevant items, only track users added to groups, or only track vehicles.


A Dedicated ‘Discover’ Page
This allows increased visibility and discoverability of features that can be at times hidden in the app and such helps the user experience the entirety of the benefits they can receive.

Flashtag AR
By Dulomo LLC



Connecting People in New Ways
Everyone is familiar with the concept of laser tag, but who knew that you all you needed to play was your iPhone. The developers managed to think about the phone in a new way that provides for an extremely joyful experience.


Poor Marketing
I found this app only after doing deep research in the realm of AR apps. It is made by a small team of developers who may not have much budget for advertising. However, it is important for them to come up with some kind of strategy for more people to find out about it.


Haptic Feedback
Everytime you shoot, get shot, or die, there is some form of haptic feedback. This is particularly helpful because in the middle of an active game in low light, it becomes diffficult to keep track of text on the phone. Haptic and audio feedback provides for a more authentic and successful experience.


In Game Progress
While haptic and audio feedback does give you an indicator of how you are playing, there are other key points of data, such as ammo and health that are not highlighted clearly enough.


New Way of Seeing
This app uses the iPhone as a tool to help people complete their tasks. When in active game mode, the screen assists people by removing focus from uneccessary objects in the environment and highlights the other user’s points.


Success Feedback
Once a game is completed, the celebratory animation is underwhelming and doesn’t match the fidelity of the rest of the app. There could be more cohesion amongst the two.


Safety & Independence
The word 'tracking' can have a negative association with lack of privacy. How might we keep the independence of users in mind whilst also keeping them safe?

Clear Positioning
We evaluated the possible audiences with our client and pressed them for more clarity as their initial TG was too broad. This decision was heavily influence by their Marketing Team's research too. Clarity is vital for a tailored experience.

Building Trust
We need to keep in mind the different techniques apps used to build trust- features, colour, language, privacy and even quality of development.



How might we help ease people's minds while their family members are commuting?


Primary Audience

Families & New Car Owners

Secondary Audience

Fleet Owners


We interviewed a few users who currently use vehicle tracking products in order to understand their motivation for the purchase and their relationship with the product. From our interviews, we learned that notifications play a big role in the engagement with these apps. While a user may not constantly track their family member through the dashboard, notifications and alerts act as a means to engage them and take action if required.
User interviews


We developed personas in order to understand what different kinds of users may want from the Qubo Track App. One was a father, another a daughter and the third was a fleet owner. Each of them have different goals - however a common thread was the desire of staying safe.


We created the information architecture of the app based on all of the features we outlined with the client through their PRD and our MoSCoW prioritisation. The flows outlined the different screens and features we would need to create wireframes for. This helped us group the features and also think of the different ways in which we would enable a user log in to the app.
Information architecture of app


We created high-fidelity wireframes for each flow of the app. These acted as a discussion point for several review sessions with the client. I distributed the flows amongst my team - once we have the first version, we would rotate the screens amongst ourselves and review them collectively. Since each person was working on a different flow, and majority of the project was completed remotely, we also created a design system to ensure that there was consistency amongst all the different screens.




Inspired by Uber, Google, and Any.do, this moodboard aims to be modern and familiar in its visual language. It boasts a breathable and minimal look with a flat, and 2D scheme. Round corners and smooth shadows are used to soften an otherwise stark look. We created three different directions for the moodboard and spent most time evaluating the colour of the map for optimal readability.

Colour palette

The colour palette was derived on the basis of the product's positioning. The primary target audience was women and families. So we created a pleasant and balanced palette with the use of solids and gradients.

Typeface choices

We chose the typefaces based on readability and approachability of content. We wanted the text to seem friendly and trustworthy.

Selected icons

We used an icon set from Iconly that we felt was best in line with the positioning of the app to support the visual language.

Final screens compilation



App dashbord

Dynamic Dashboard

The main screen of the app helps users see the current status of a family member’s journey. People can see an overview of all the vehicles using the device as well as go into details of a particular one. Based on our research, we showcased the status of the vehicle, last updated time, the distance travelled, average speed and time taken at first glance.

Answer clues screens

Insightful Analytics

As a part of the Driver Behaviour Analytics flow, we created a way for people to analyse their driving. Each vehicle gets a Driving Score based on parameters like fuel consumed, speed, acceleration and braking. People can even get a detailed breakdown of each parameter over time. Based on our research, we found this feature to be even more relevant for fleet owners.

Notification alert on iPhone

Keep Track of All Your Trips - Past, Present & Future

Qubo Track allows people to playback their previous trips, organised by day. Each trip is recorded and the events and alerts of the ride show alongside the metrics of the trips. This allows people to see their most frequented routes.

AR animation on building

Safety First

Qubo Track has automatic accident detection feature that immediately reaches out to the driver or passenger involved. If help is needed or the app doesn’t get a response, it alerts all emergency contacts with the vehicle’s location and details.

Dashboard of Scavenger Hunt AppAnswer clues screenNotification on iPhoneAR animation around building



Asking the Hard Questions

The Qubo team came to us with a Product Requirements Document that listed all the features they wanted. Before they had decided their target audience, they had already planned what the app would require. My team and I did our best to communicate the importance of research and insights in order to inform product decisions and were able to create a more successful final product.

Don't Underestimate Organisation

This was the first time I lead a project of this type and scale. The deadlines were tight and the client was demanding. In order to make sure that my team's efforts were well spent, I made and closely followed a Project Plan. It helped me realign with the client when timelines were pushed and allowed my team to successfully deliver the project in time.

Leveraging Team's Strengths

Working with new people requires adapting. Understanding every individual's strengths and interests was the first thing I addressed. I tried my best to create an open and safe environment for my team and wanted them to be excited and challenged throughout the journey, so that we may be proud of our outcome and celebrate collectively once it's over.

The True MVP(s)
Unfortunately I left the organisation and feel FOMO for not being able to grow with the product. However, Jenya and Vinay were the most competent teammates and I'm certain that the project will be in good hands.
Additional Features
There were a lot of interesting features I would have liked to account for that we outlined in our brainstorming session but pushed to the next stages of the app launch.
Detailed Interactions
The handoff process for this project involved a direct link to the designed screens. Given more time (and scope), I would have liked to be involved through the development in order to oversee the translating of the designs into the final product.
Tie in Physical Product
This app was envisioned without seeing the hardware that it is accompanying even once (due to manufacturing delays). It would have been great to be able to add nods towards the hardware though the design of the app.