



4 weeks


Mobile App


Shawn Sprockett

My Role

UX Design
UI Design
Motion Design



Taking a photo using the app

Discover real world beauty through AR

Seeze is an AR-driven game I conceptualised as a self guided scavenger hunt to help people discover the world around them. The goal of the app is to facilitate deeper interactions and understanding between people and their environment. Through this project I wanted to push the boundaries of user-friendly interfaces and create something unique, engaging and effective.

App dashboard animation

Wander with Purpose.

Seeze menu screen
Menu Screen
Onboarding screens
Onboarding Screens

Answer clues screens
Fill in the Blank Clue & Hint Screens
Success screen
Success Screen
User generated content screen
Create a Hunt Screens
Select a mission screen
Hunt Overview Screen




The brief of the class was to design and create our own app. Instead of getting paralysed by choices, I chose to question storm and explore the areas I cared about as an individual.
How might we enable people to learn more about their surroundings?
How might we use technology to enhance (not replace) experiences?
How might we empower people to go outdoors, explore and have fun?

On average, American’s spend approximately 90% of their time indoors. (EPA)


In order to understand how existing players are using using technology to augment real-world experiences, I spent a lot of time (and space) on my phone, downloading, playing (and analysing) apps.

I looked at a variety of experiences - some travel related, while other had an interesting application of AR in their app. I went on to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of each app in order to help me while designing.

Understanding the landscape 2x2 matrix


*If there's one thing you take from this case study - it's that you need to download and experience Pair Play for yourself.

Flashtag AR
By Dulomo LLC



Connecting People in New Ways
Everyone is familiar with the concept of laser tag, but who knew that you all you needed to play was your iPhone. The developers managed to think about the phone in a new way that provides for an extremely joyful experience.


Poor Marketing
I found this app only after doing deep research in the realm of AR apps. It is made by a small team of developers who may not have much budget for advertising. However, it is important for them to come up with some kind of strategy for more people to find out about it.


Haptic Feedback
Everytime you shoot, get shot, or die, there is some form of haptic feedback. This is particularly helpful because in the middle of an active game in low light, it becomes diffficult to keep track of text on the phone. Haptic and audio feedback provides for a more authentic and successful experience.


In Game Progress
While haptic and audio feedback does give you an indicator of how you are playing, there are other key points of data, such as ammo and health that are not highlighted clearly enough.


New Way of Seeing
This app uses the iPhone as a tool to help people complete their tasks. When in active game mode, the screen assists people by removing focus from uneccessary objects in the environment and highlights the other user’s points.


Success Feedback
Once a game is completed, the celebratory animation is underwhelming and doesn’t match the fidelity of the rest of the app. There could be more cohesion amongst the two.

By Amped Labs



Emphasis on ‘Sharing’
Almost every key screen of the app has a share button. This allows for a frictionless experience for people when they want to share something with their friends.


Unclear Taxonomy
This app is unlike many of the others that people are used to. This means people may need some clear and simple indicators. However, the app is scattered with obscure and vague titles and labels that confuse the user rather than assist.


By having a scoring mechanism, the app affords for some competition and builds a sense of community. This may act as a motivater for people to complete tasks faster.


Vague Cover Images
The cover image is one of the first touch points for the users to get people interested in an experience. In this app, the single image shared seems disconnected to the actual description of the experience.


Experience Details
Key details are shared about each experience with people. Length of experience, number of positive reviews, category tags and more. All these act help people make their choices.


Thrown into the Deep End
When apps introduce new concepts, either they need to make the experience extremely intuitive and clear, or they should have a quick and simple onboarding to help give people some context. This app does neither.

Pair Play
By Left Right Studios



Guided Play
We’ve heard about guided meditation and guided exercise, but Pair Play is creating their own category. By leveraging audio to create experiences that leap off the screen and into the real world they are bringing people closer to the people and the world around us.


Limited Stories
The app is constantly getting updated, however the number of experiences to choose from is fairly limited. Because it is so successful in generating excitement and curiosity in people, it is important for them to provide enough content for them to engage with.


New Experiences
It is a totally new concept and application of audio AR that I had never experienced. The stories are so well crafted and it requires active participation from the listeners in order to have a successful experience. The quality of content is great and every experience is totally unique.


Poor Marketing
Another example of a great app that no one has heard about. There is something nice in being able to discover gems like this on your own, however, things like this demand to be shared.


It Takes Two to Tango
This is an example of an app that can only work when there are two people involved. This embodies the principles of the developers - fostering communication and building relationships.


Scope for Diversity
Right now all stories are in English - the same experience can and should grow into other languages.

Flashtag AR
By Dulomo LLC



Connecting People in New Ways
Everyone is familiar with the concept of laser tag, but who knew that you all you needed to play was your iPhone. The developers managed to think about the phone in a new way that provides for an extremely joyful experience.


Poor Marketing
I found this app only after doing deep research in the realm of AR apps. It is made by a small team of developers who may not have much budget for advertising. However, it is important for them to come up with some kind of strategy for more people to find out about it.


Haptic Feedback
Everytime you shoot, get shot, or die, there is some form of haptic feedback. This is particularly helpful because in the middle of an active game in low light, it becomes diffficult to keep track of text on the phone. Haptic and audio feedback provides for a more authentic and successful experience.


In Game Progress
While haptic and audio feedback does give you an indicator of how you are playing, there are other key points of data, such as ammo and health that are not highlighted clearly enough.


New Way of Seeing
This app uses the iPhone as a tool to help people complete their tasks. When in active game mode, the screen assists people by removing focus from uneccessary objects in the environment and highlights the other user’s points.


Success Feedback
Once a game is completed, the celebratory animation is underwhelming and doesn’t match the fidelity of the rest of the app. There could be more cohesion amongst the two.

It was inspiring to dive deep into these apps - they were all extremely innovative and had a lot to learn from. I know a product is powerful when I can't stop telling everyone about it.

Balancing Control
If an app prescribes what you have to do, in what order, and at what time - it can get routine and mundane for users. Flexibility is important in order for people to feel a sense of autonomy.

Celebrate Success Collectively

What's the point of being successful if you have no one to share it with? It is important for people to have some form of leaderboard or sharing features to stay motivated.

Creation vs. Consumption
It is crucial for people to be able to use their own creativity and imagination to create content. This keeps the platform constantly growing, and helps people grow at the same time.



How might we use technology to help people have fun and interact more deeply with others and their environment in the real world?


After framing the problem statement, I did a rapid brainstorming session in order to generate multiple ideas. This divergent thinking strategy was helpful in being able to address the discovered problem from different angles. I evaluated all of my ideas and finalised the one that sparked the most joy.


When thinking about designing a scavenger hunt, there were several use cases that came to mind (listed below). For this project, I chose to explore the domain of travel & tourism. Based on that, I created a persona of someone that would use this app and considered the different goals and problems she may have.
User persona

Map out Itineraries
Depending on the theme, highlight hidden gems to guide visitors to the best and most authentic experience possible.

Interactive Experience
Connect visitors to your destination’s history and culture through interactive education.

Empower Visitors
A self-guided experience that is ready 24/7. Visitors can enjoy at their own pace.

Drive Revenue
Use tasks to drive visitors to revenue generating opportunities like restaurants & local businesses.

Increased Visibility
Free marketing through photo challenges and social media post challenges

Increase Engagement
Make sure attendees are getting the most out of their experience at your event.

Increase Interaction
Create a fun way for attendees to interact with sponsors, the venue, and other attendees.

Direct Traffic
Drive attendees to specific locations during the course of your event.

Motivate Attendees
Gamification, through points, rewards, and leaderboards increasing participation.

Entertain Attendees
Complete challenges and get points - creating an experience attendees will love.

Increase Team Interaction
Encourage employees to collaborate with their co-workers to and build rapport.

Strengthen Culture & Values
Reinforce your company’s culture and keep everyone connected to your mission.

Connect Remote Teams
Help employees feel connected to your company using an app that can be accessed anywhere.

Foster Employee Development
Through programs designed around education, social, & cultural development objectives.

Evaluate Employee Behaviour
Understand employees with analytics on how they are interacting in the workplace.

Increase Engagement
Build student advocates and increase student retention and success.

Instill Campus Culture
Connect students to what makes your school unique- traditions, history, and local culture.

Highlight Campus Offerings
From best places to eat, to important events to attend and even campus safety.

Increase Social Interaction
Help students make friends and meet other students so that they don’t feel isolated.

Assess Programs
Understand and analyse student behavior, engagement levels & event participation with analytics.



Moodboard for app

In order to create an app that would appeal to a wide age group, it was important to use bright colours and eye catching visuals. The moodboard reflects the playful aspect of the design.

Information architecture of app
Information architecture
Information Architecture

A simple IA for the app to help me get started on the key flows and be able to understand the scope of the project.

Wireframes of app

I quickly creative wireframes based on the ideas I generated during my brainstorming session. This helped me understand the flow of the content and optimise it accordingly.

Type choices ffor app
Typographic table for app

This table helped lay out all the style for the typefaces I used. This helped ensure all my screen were consistent.

No matter how much I plan, a large part of my design process is intuitive. This also means that I sometimes get carried away and can't stop exploring. Below are some of my explorations...
Custom icons for app

A few icons I created to help give a cohesive look and feel to the app.

Several app screens



App dashbord

A Dashboard that Builds Excitement

Through the main screen of the app, based on my insights, I wanted to give people the flexibility to search for experiences they are interested in using a variety of filters. I also chose to use strong colours, imagery and type to catch people's attention and allude to the exciting journey they are about to embark on.

Answer clues screens

Something For Everyone

I learned from my research that users like feeling in control. In order to give them a variety of experiences, the app has different types of clues - some are geo-located, while others can be answered from whenever you are. By giving people small wins along the way, it will help build the momentum and keep them engaged.

Notification alert on iPhone

Motivating People & Supporting Small Businesses

Seeze’s business model can afford for a lot of strategic partnerships. For example, we can give people coupons to a local coffee shop for successfully completing a clue. This gives people a tangible reward, helps them discover their surroundings and also promotes local businesses.

Another touchpoint to consider was ways in which people can keep engaging with the app. If a person is passing by a clue on any given day, the app sends them a nudge so that they develop curiosity and can have different modes of re-entry.

AR animation on building

Delightful Microinteractions

The app acts only as a vessel for people to explore their surroundings. People use Seeze to guide their experience, to input their answers and to progress on their journey. The app in embedded with surprising and engaging micro interactions that aim to celebrate with and encourage people to continue their journey.

Dashboard of Scavenger Hunt AppAnswer clues screenNotification on iPhoneAR animation around building

Join the Fun From Anywhere

Paste ups with QR code
Paste ups for Marketing and Generating Buzz



Understanding Myself Better

It is extremely liberating to be able to create your own product without any constraints. This project was a defining moment for me in understanding my values as a designer more deeply - I am extremely passionate about trying to bridge the physical and digital.

Who Am I Leaving Out?

Having access to the internet and a smartphone is to be a in very privileged position. By incorporating certain features into my app, I am once again limiting the number of users who may be able to access it. In what ways can I adapt the experience to allow for people with different abilities to also have a great experience?

The Power of Storytelling

People love stories. It helps them feel invested and allows them to engage more deeply. It is not enough to put information on the app for people to read, rather, it is really valuable to carefully craft the narrative and take into consideration how each story relates to the next.

Focus on More Primary Research

This project was focused more on the concept and visual design of the app. While I conducted a fair amount of secondary research in the form of reading academic papers and conducting competitive analysis, it would be helpful to conduct some user interviews or tests to find out more about specific habits and pain points of users so that I may validate my assumptions.

Explore Different Use Cases
I see Seeze being successfully used in multiple contexts- to guide people who are visiting a museum, attending a networking events, school or work orientations and even for a birthday party. It would be interesting to explore these scenarios and navigate the nuances they might bring up.
Creating a Frictionless Experience
Why did Niantic’s Pokemon Go do so much better than Ingress, which was based on the same principles? I would like to do a deeper diver into game design theory and understand what really keeps user’s feeling motivated and invested in a game or an app.
User Contribution Flows
Spending more time on the user contribution flows would be of great value. How can I encourage people to use their creativity and imagination to create their own hunts? How do I make that experience as smooth as possible? Can I create a bank of prompts to help them along the way?
Putting it in the Real World
I didn't have the time to do user tests during this short process. Many decision decisions were made based on assumptions. It would be great to be able to test a prototype of the app with users and identify gaps (if (m)any).